final film 2

Posted: June 4, 2014 in Uncategorized

film 2 script

Posted: May 7, 2014 in Uncategorized

educational video

Posted: May 1, 2014 in Uncategorized

5 sec video

Posted: April 7, 2014 in Completed Work

30 sec commercial

Posted: April 7, 2014 in Completed Work

J and L cuts

Posted: March 4, 2014 in Uncategorized

My First Person Narrative

Posted: February 13, 2014 in Uncategorized

My Celtx file


celtix script

Posted: February 13, 2014 in Uncategorized


Posted: February 10, 2014 in Uncategorized

Gorge Ceja

Period 1




On September 23rd 2012 was when I was first intoxicated off alcohol in front of a elementary school around 10; 30 PM. All of this started when one my friend had texted me if I wanted to go to a 15th birthday party on a Saturday but it wasn’t what I had expected when had gotten there.

My curfew was at 11; 30 PM that day because I left the house around 7 o clock with my friends Alyssa, Diana, Drea, and Israel. Alyssa’s brother picked us all up from our houses and I was the last one to get picked up by them. When I entered the car everyone had a drink in there hand including the driver

As he drove us to the party he told me they had already bought a drink for me as well so Alyssa handed me a yellow bottle with a orange juice flavor named MD. Everyone else had on except there’s was either a red mixed with pink kind of color or a really light blue one. My friends also had a UV bottle but I can’t remember if it was flavored or not because it was pulled out later that night

When we arrived to the party it was really really really lame. My expectations were a variety of food and a band playing but they only had a stereo on and I have no Idea what king of food they were serving. The birthday came up to us and asked us to have a set but we were having second thoughts of leaving the party because there were more going on that day. We all decided we were going to leave after 20 long minutes of standing there and stepped out the house and headed in front of an elementary school. We tried to get in touch with Alyssa’s brother but it seems that he was probably to drunk to drive or even answer. After being stuck there for another 10 minutes we all decided that we were going to start drinking there since we had nothing else to do. I had drunk the most out of every one I finished my own bottle and had some of theirs as well.

A couple of minutes later I had lost the ability to stand straight and kept tripping and stumbling over nothing because everything was spinning. i fell into a rose bush as I tried walking around the block to see how drunk I was then I couldn’t stand at all since the alcohol had kicked I a lot more. I was started to panic because we had to walk home later

My friends all helped me one at a time kind of helping me walk home. I had one hand over someone’s shoulder and tried my hardest to walk straight. As we were a block a way from my house we stopped because I had started to vomit all over the place so they sat me down on the street behind a car as I tried to hold my vomit in. I realized I didn’t have m phone with me and when I asked my friends Alyssa had token it from me because my dad kept calling. When she gave it back I realized it was about 3 in the morning so I just got up from sitting o the side walk and started walking like I had never drank.

As I was getting to my house I noticed my dad outside the house waiting and I thought I was perfectly fine but he noticed I was drunk. He told me if I wanted more alcohol and I just walked passed him into y room where my mom was waiting and was worried. I had no idea what they were telling me but I started crying out of nowhere as I was tucking myself into bed with vomit on my shirt and the smell of vodka stuck to my breath. I couldn’t wait to wake up feeling better

natural lighting reflection

Posted: December 19, 2013 in Uncategorized

something i learned on this lab was that natural lighting does actually do a big difference because it fades away the shadows and lightend up the area where the shooting is taking place and also clears up the face of people using this effect.